English Consulting Engineers


English Consulting Engineers


As a London-based consulting engineering company we provide a professional engineering services including removals, calculations and surveys.

Steel reinforcement for a raft foundation

Structural Calculations

Calculations can range from the design of one-off structural elements such as a load bearing beam to a complete set of calculations for a building.

Structural Steel support concrete floor

Building Extensions

Our structural information complies with Building Control requirements and can be submitted to the local authority.

Steel Beam to support loft roof

Loft Conversions

The most efficient and cost effective solutions will be considered when designing the walls, floors and roof.

Ridge beam provides support to the timber roof

Wall Removal​

ECE will assess the client’s requirements and develop solutions together.

Concrete wall shuttering

Building / Structural Surveys

Providing you the survey that meets your needs whether you are an existing home owner, looking to buy a new property or leasing your property.

Poured foundations for terrace houses

Planning & Building Control Submissions

We assist in the pre planning process and advise if planning permission is required as it is not always the case.